Native iOS and Android Mobile App | uTest | 11-2018

Product Design, UX, UI

Lead Designer


uTest is a web app that the testing community uses to conduct crowdsourced software testing. There is a need for a mobile app so that testers can be notified of new projects and complete mobile testing on-the-go. One of the insights I uncovered during user interviews was that the effort outweighed the payout for in-store testing, due to the various note taking methods and lack of a mobile app.

How Might We…help existing testers join projects and perform testing on-the-go in order to make money?


  • Complex UX on web platform will be difficult to simplify for smaller screens

  • Stakeholder concern over mobile cycle invites amplifying tester slotting issue

  • Mobile development teams are in Warsaw, Poland


From user interviews to a design sprint, I facilitated the design thinking method to help us problem solve. I hoped to address business goals as well as fulfill a user need. As we continued to build the app throughout the year, I relied on frequent usability testing in order to validate as we are building. I also practiced co-creation as the only mobile designer which allowed me to arrive at design decisions more quickly.



To kickstart this project, I conducted a 5-day design sprint to enable team collaboration and ideation. Participants included the Product Manager, uTest Community Manager and some of the Warsaw development team. Together we empathized around the slotting issue raised by stakeholders, creating journey maps to identify pain points. Next we ideated solutions to prototype and test with real users.

Feature Prioritization Matrix

Additional features from the ideation that were outside of the two main flows were plotted on a matrix to help us prioritize what to build. Features that were high in Tester Value and high in Business Value, like onboarding new users were considered first.


In order to quickly test and iterate, we created paper prototypes for the two main flows. Low fidelity prototypes are great for concept testing. We were able to conduct remote user testing with real users to help validate and refine our solution.



The mobile app MVP comprised of an improved ‘Reserve my spot’ flow, with a new slotting bundle concept that came out of the design sprint, along with the ‘Execute a test case’ flow. These two main flows represent 74% of what testers do on the web app. In order to combat complex UX from the web platform, I relied on common mobile components like horizontal cards, accordion menu and a stepper for long forms. Some basic features were included in MVP as they pertained to the primary user goal of making money. The uTest mobile app is available on iOS and Android for existing testers.



LEARNINGS and success metrics

  • A companion mobile app can not solve all the problems on the web platform like poor data, but it can expose areas for improvement

  • Due to the long duration of this project, frequent user testing and co-creation helped us stay connected to the user

  • Adoption does not equate to success because not everyone is going to switch to mobile only

We are still testing Alpha 1.2, but 1.1 community feedback was very positive. Some success metrics we can look at include Tester Satisfaction Score (TSAT), # test cycles joined via mobile, # test cases and #bugs submitted via mobile.