SmartSource E-commerce Dashboard | Cencora | 05-2024

Product Design, UI, UX, Research

Lead designer


A Mixed Methods research design is a procedure for collecting, analyzing, and ”mixing” both quantitative and qualitative research and methods in a single study to understand a problem.


Optimize the SmartSource Homepage Dashboard to maximize space and content to serve the goals of the user and business, primarily to increase transactions.


Since SmartSource is a secondary wholesale drug retailer, users come to the site as needed with a very specific goal – to search and buy a particular product list that’s not available at their primary storefront. Unlike other e-commerce storefronts, users are not primarily here to browse and shop.

User Goal: Search and buy a specific product list that their primary retailer does not carry

Business Goal: Increase transactions and conversions from the Homepage dashboard

How Might We…leverage both quantitative and qualitative data to synthesize findings that inform an optimized dashboard design ?


(Google Analytics/FullStory)

  • View Past POs for product reference - 60% of user engagements on My Orders Page are looking at past POs for reference to order the same products again (from session replays)

  • Make payments/Apply credits to invoices - a combined 29% of user engagements on My Invoices Page are looking at open credits and making payments

  • HP Heatmap pattern to search and add - many searches are happening in the top main search as well as Quick Add in cart, opportunity to offer more direct CTAs from the dashboard and search inputs


(CSP User Research Co-creation/Qualtrics Survey)

  • Product Stock Availability - ranked high in Top Desired Homepage Information (72 survey responses) – ChatGPT Summary prioritizes requested feature list with Stock availability as a primary concern, consider Back in Stock module

  • Frequently Ordered Products/Previous Order - from Co-creation research, users wanted to view historical ordering patterns and Add to cart

  • Previous Searches Link - Many searches are repeat searches for the same products, Offer saved searches or display previous search links


Next, I analyzed the performance of each homepage element to optimize engagements and transactions - prioritizing the persistent cart view and above-the-fold content.



  • Quick Links in Navigation - Test new category links since it’s already high in engagement, mirrors transactional modules below the fold 

    • Data shows that multiple entry points increases page view

  • Search/Quick Add - Offer links in menu dropdown on search input

    • Show Recent Searches on main search

    • Show Frequently Ordered Products on Quick Add search in cart

  • Optimize Above the Fold - Create more actionable links from the dashboard to Recent Orders and Open Invoices

    • Keep banner dismissible and remove promo at top

    • Update Recently Purchased title to Buy it Again and Add to Cart button

    • Create New Cart button on Recent Orders and Pay Invoice button on new Upcoming Payment module

  • Browse Below the Fold - Test various product category modules, when a module has not enough content, display various 1-2 column modules next in prioritized responsive order:

    • Back in Stock (new), Short Dates, Best Sellers, New Generics (new), New Products, Weekly Specials

  • Persistent Cart - Open cart performs better than closed

    • Keep offers at the bottom since discounts are top requested by users

  • Announcements - Reduce to 1-column module

    • Tabs navigation for Recalls, New Products and Messages (PDF downloads)



Desktop optimized

  • Content fills container at 1440px (currently 1410px), margins at larger breakpoints for whitespace

  • 12 column layout on a 4px grid with 24px gutter

  • Module widths are set to % rather than fixed so that they respond to varying screen widths

  • Empty modules will be hidden, display next module in prioritized responsive order and test best performing product category

Hierarchy of content:

  • Prioritize personalized products from past orders at the top

  • Keep Recent Orders & Invoices above the fold, Browsing products is passive, test modules below the fold



Next Steps:

  1. Plot each optimization/module on a prioritization matrix 

  2. Present to broader stakeholders for development buy-in and feasibility check

  3. Run usability tests for task completion and validation of the design